Legal support of real estate transactions

Buying, selling and leasing
Registration of property rights
Risk analysis
Business leasehold
From 50,000 rubles/month
Residential and commercial premises
Pre-trial and court representation
Income from real estate with no associated risks
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Purity and Transparency
We will draw up a competent contract
We take into account the interests of both parties and carefully work out each point.
We will study the transaction history of the counter-parties
Let’s find out if it is safe to work with the chosen company/person.
Arrests, lawsuits, suspicious owners, etc.
Check the legal clearance of the property
Support of each stage of the transaction
Obtaining title documents
Registration with the state authorities
Resolution of possible disputes
Drawing up the contract
Collection of necessary documents
Analysis of possible risks
Prepare your deals with the help of qualified lawyers
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Finding the right space means checking a lot of aspects. From the technical condition to the legal history. Without a qualified lawyer, you run the risk of entering into a contract for premises that will bring more problems than revenue for the company.
To tenant companies
When choosing a tenant, it is important not to find those who are willing to pay more, but those who will pay steadily. Often a tenant who is willing to pay an inflated price turns out to be involved in gray or blatantly fraudulent schemes, so it is necessary to have a competent legal support of the transaction.
Landlord companies
We will check the legal clearance of the tenant
We will negotiate
We will help you make a contract on beneficial terms
We register the transaction with the state authorities
We will check the last three owners of the premises
We will establish the existence of possible debts and other obligations
We will engage a technical expert to assess the condition of the property
We will prepare a favorable agreement and register it in the state authorities
Rent a ready-made business/premises for production
A reliable way to launch a business without attracting large investments
At the conclusion of the contract for the lease of production, the lessee for a certain fee receives a temporary disposition of land, buildings, premises, structures, equipment and other fixed assets of the enterprise.
In addition, he can use production technology and other intangible resources if the contract provides for it.
Since production facilities require huge investments, it is not always reasonable to equip a factory or even a small company from scratch, given all the risks involved.
This problem can be solved by renting for production
Deal with real estate safely
We will provide a reliable legal basis for the transaction and make sure everything goes perfectly.
Tell us about the difficulties the company is facing
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We will call you back and suggest solutions.
We calculate the consequences of our actions to increase profitability or minimize costs for our customers. We are fully responsible and ready to justify each proposed solution.
During this time more than 50 Russian and 20 foreign companies have used our services. We make the work in the domestic and foreign market easier and more comfortable.
Economic feasibility is the main principle of the company.
We have been working since 2016
We follow general commercial activity of the company, study marketing and commercial policy, the system of documents circulation and book-keeping through the prism of law. This approach to projects of any complexity is why our clients appreciate us.
Proficiency, responsibility and confidentiality 
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