Support of FEA

Support of negotiations, transactions and inspections
Advising on foreign economic activity
Interaction with governmental and banking institutions
Pre-trial and court representation in disputes
Preparation and execution of documents for transactions
Tax planning
From 50,000 rubles/month
Dealings with foreign partners will be safe
By clicking the button, you agree to the website privacy policy
International law is our specialty
Our experience will guarantee easy and safe cooperation with foreign partners
We understand the laws of another country
We arrange the best conditions for you
Let us support your negotiation
Foreign trade in the context of sanctions
If your company is looking for ways to safely continue working in the FEA, "Fundamental Perspectives LLC" can help with that.
The changes in the global economy in 2022 took
all businesses without exception by surprise.
It especially affected the work with foreign partners.
Always up-to-date with the latest legislation
We calculate all possible risks in advance and make transactions safe. The company will not be catch off guard by a sudden change in the laws of one of the participating countries.
We keep track of the changes that have come into force and those that are just being prepared.
By clicking the button, you agree to the website privacy policy
Interaction with government
and banking institutions
We challenge arrests, fines, and freezing of transactions already imposed
We will resolve disputes and represent the company in court, if the resolution in pretrial procedure is not possible
We will take care of all the necessary paperwork
Order a customs audit
A customs lawyer will conduct a full review of the company’s preparedness for secure transactions. We will identify all risks and make recommendations on how to minimize them.
After the audit, you will definitely want to continue working with us
By clicking the button, you agree to the website privacy policy
We are happy to support transactions on a regular basis
We calculate the consequences of our actions to increase profitability or minimize costs for our customers. We are fully responsible and ready to justify each proposed solution.
During this time more than 50 Russian and 20 foreign companies have used our services. We make the work in the domestic and foreign market easier and more comfortable.
Economic feasibility is the main principle of the company.
We have been working since 2016
We follow general commercial activity of the company, study marketing and commercial policy, the system of documents circulation and book-keeping through the prism of law. This approach to projects of any complexity is why our clients appreciate us.
Proficiency, responsibility and confidentiality 
About us
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